Trust Points: 300
#811361 / Female, Age:38 / Bachelor Degree
City of residence: Shenzhen
Available travel to: Hongkong and others
English: Excellent
Cantonese: Fluent
Has work experience in Hong Kong
Work Experience: 17 Year(s)
Major: Industrial Design
I have been involved in the industrial & manufacturer business since 2008 for more than 7 years till now,gained a lot experiences in electric / Metal Hardware / Toy & Gift etc.
My working experience is as below:
1. From 2009 to 2012, I worked at Shenzhen,doing both industrial designer and product sourcing agent job. During that time, I have established close relationships with various manufacturers and suppliers over GuangDong region while practicing my graphic design and 3D modeling skill。
2. From 2012 to 2014,I worked at Hong kong as an industrial designer, also doing translation as a part time job. My English language skill improved great in those two years. For more, I pick up the Cantonese language, which is a major language in GuangDong region.
3. Now I am currently running my own small import & export business.
Besides translation and communication, I could also doing Graphic design & 3D modeling as additional skills, which probably bring great advantage to your business.
Hope to help you with my knowledge and break the language barrier for success in the future!
Language Skill: English / Cantonese / Mandarin
Other Skill: Graphic Design / 3D modeling
Careers Experience: Industrial Designer, Product Sourcing, Import & Export
from USD
Per Day ( 8 hours )
English - Chinese