f Positive professional interpreter
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Positive professional interpreter

   Trust Points: 300

  • Jason C.

    #811237  / Male, Age:34 / Bachelor Degree

    City of residence: Hefei

    Available travel to: Nanjing and others


    professional in interpretations for 5 years
    excel in business assistance
    fluent in English
    car van rental
    airport pickups


    English: Excellent
    Franch: Fairly Good

    Work Experience: 14 Year(s)

    Major: English literature

Details Write a review

2013.1-2014.1 Interpreter in Cisco Hefei branch: providing business assistance for Chief Executive; doing meeting interpretations, schedule arrangements, guest accommodation, etc.
2012.1-2012.12 Interpreter in Anhui Tianzhuang Agriculture Limited Company: providing business assistance for Chief Market Director; business tour assistance; meeting interpretations, etc.
2009.9 interpreter for Anhui Agriculture Industry Fair: interpretations for Poland and Slovenia guest group

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Industry Jason is familiar with:

. Agriculture
. Business Services
. Construction & Real Estate
. Environment
. Industrial Supplies

To: Jason ( No: 811237 ) X CLOSE


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