Trust Points: 1200
#811083 / Male, Age:51 / Bachelor Degree
City of residence: Xi'an
Available travel to: LuoYang and others
English: Excellent
Mandarine: Excellent
German: Simple Communication
Work Experience: 29 Year(s)
Major: English
Recent business travel as helper:
A: Visiting with a lawyer based in honkong to XiAn silver bus company which is a joint-venture comapany affiliated to Xian aviation company and Swedish Volvo BUS company.the lawyer authorized by swedish volvo come to XiAn silverbus to check the law enforcement on contracts have been signed anually.I did my job assorting,collecing and summarizing the files,communicating between chinese partner and the lawyer.
B: Visiting with a purchaser based in UK to XiAn non-ferrous metal company to view the antirot material product.I did my job contacting chinese partner to arrange appointment,delivering the purchaser's need and requirement to chinese party,explaining detailly in both chinese and english with oral and written communication.
from USD
Per Day ( 8 hours )
English - Chinese
. Agriculture
. Business Services
. Computer Hardware & Software
. Food & Beverage
. Home Appliances
. Security & Protection
. Transportation
. Travel / Leisure