Total booked: 17 days Trust Points: 200
#14453 / Female, Age:42 / Bachelor Degree
City of residence: Beijing
English: Excellent
French: Simple Communication
Major: British & American Literature
Easy-going, openminded, intellectual, considerate and understanding, Trustable and reliable.
Social experiences
--Jan. 15th, 2005:
China Fire Therapy Association banquet: interpreter
--Oct. 2004 :
The 6th annual meeting of the International Correction and Prison Association:
interpreter and tour guide
--Sep. 2004:
China Electricity Power Association:
press conference interpreter
--June - Sep. 2004:
China Motor Sports Association (CMSA): intern
--July & Oct. 2004: interpretor and tour guide
2004 national road motorcycles events: Beijing
2004 national road motorcycle championship: Shanghai
2004 Asian Motor Invitation Evens: JiuZhai gou
--Sep. 2004:
Council on International Educational Exchange:
interpretor and tour guide
Introducing Chinese Hutong and opera culture to foreign students
Working Experiences:
--July, 2005 - now:
C&L (Culture and Language) :
Marketing Manager & Chinese teacher tour guide
In charge of the promotion of the companyTeach Chinese language to expats in Beijing
showing around beijing with foreign visitors
--June - July, 2005:
CPC (PR company): Account Assistant & Translator
--April - May, 2005:
Regal Film: assistant to film producer & interpreter & tour guide
Available Jobs:
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Per Day ( 8 hours )
English - Chinese
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