f Amy Tian - Shanghai interpreter translator guide
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Business Interpreter & Assistant in Shanghai

   Trust Points: 200

  • Amy T.

    #14397  / Female, Age:41 / Bachelor Degree

    City of residence: Shanghai


    English: Fluent

    Major: Environmental Engineering

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I'm a young girl with mild character.
Warm-hearted and always be willing to help others.
Read a lot and have a wide horizon.

I used to work in a reputable company as an assistant to a German manager. That makes me considerate and careful. Communication with the personnel of different kind is of great interests to me. I also worked as a volunteer teacher in roots & shoots (non-profit environment protecting association). My responsiblity is to give a lecture to the students in a certain high school on environment related topic. Sometimes we organize some interesting and meaningful outdoor activities.

I have just took part in the Master Entrance Exam, so my time is quite flexible when waiting for the result and school opening in Sep,2009. Which enable me to well-prepared and serve you better.

I hope I can be of any help during your stay in Shanghai.

Available Jobs:

- Secretary Service
- Personal Tour Guide
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Industry Amy is familiar with:

. Chemicals
. Environment
. Travel / Leisure

To: Amy ( No: 14397 ) X CLOSE


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